Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR policy

Flytech has formulated “Code for Corporate Social Responsibility”, a code that act as the basis for Flytech’s CSR policy and action plan, in 2015. The following are Flytech’s corporate social responsibility policy:
  1. Fully implement an environmental management system that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard (Passed the renewal review in 2019, valid till 2020/09/21).
  2. Follow the environmental regulations and requirements while constantly promoting pollution prevention and environmental improvement.
  3. Maintain the effectiveness of the environmental management system and implement the environmental goals.
  4. Establish a waste management plan to comply with regulations and to strengthen resource recycling.
  5. Promote environmental protection concepts and raise employees’ environmental awareness.
  6. Gradually adopts green product design to reduce the products’ environmental impact.
  7. Making the environmental policies public and achieving good-neighborliness.

Corporate Social Responsibility Team

The company has set up the “Corporate Social Responsibility Team,” with the Management Center concurrently serving as the promotion units: Sustainable Operation Team (President Office and Management Center), “Product Development and Innovation Team” (Research and Development Center and Marketing Center), “Environmentally friendly Manufacturing Team” (Manufacturing Center). The Management Center is responsible for supervising the three teams to jointly fulfill the company’s social responsibility policies and review implementation effectiveness. At the end of each year, propaganda courses are periodically arranged during annual meetings to propagandize the company’s social responsibility policy to the directors and employees and report implementation effectiveness and improvement plans at the board meeting in the first quarter the following year. The three groups are as follows:
  1. Sustainable Development Task Group
    1. (A) Drafts, discusses, modifies and implements corporate social responsibility policies; (B) implements various governance policies; (C) evaluates risks that impact company governance and sustainable development, and implements improvement plans; (D) pays attention to and protects stakeholders’ equity; (E) organizes charity and volunteer activities and events; (F) advising suppliers to build green supply chains and reduce the environmental impacts of primary materials and their transportation.
  2. Product Development Innovation Group
    1. (A) R&D of environmentally friendly product designs; (B) R&D of low-consumption/high-efficiency/low toxins/recyclable/low-impact innovative products; (C) R&D of innovative products that are more durable and reduce waste caused by replacement; (D) collects and analyzes market and technological trends, and designs and develops innovative products that help social and technological progress.
  3. Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing Task Group
    1. (A) Designs lead-free manufacturing processes, drafts and implements energy conservation and carbon-reduction goals, reduces emission of greenhouse gas and carbon, conserves energy and properly uses water resources; (B) complies with environmental legislation and ISO14001, builds safe and sanitary working environments.

The highest-level manager of the management office is responsible for supervising the three groups as they fulfill the company’s social responsibility policies. He or she will supervise and discuss the fulfillment. Based on the Basic Service Regulations and the Reward/Penalty Management Methods, the groups will periodically evaluate employees’ compliance to ensure that the social responsibility policies are followed. In the first quarter of each year, the groups will present their work results and improvement plans to the board.